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The Autism Discussion Page on Stress, Anxiety, Shutdowns and Meltdowns

Paperback / ISBN-13: 9781785928048

Price: £16.99

ON SALE: 21st October 2019

Genre: Society & Social Sciences

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Anxiety, meltdowns and emotional regulation can be hugely challenging for autistic people. This book is full of proactive strategies for understanding, accepting and respecting the processing differences in autism. It contains tools for reducing sensory, social and mental drain, and offers strategies to protect from ongoing stress and anxiety. These help minimize shutdowns and burnout, while maximizing self-esteem, autistic identity and mental health.

Learn strategies for matching environmental demands to the person’s processing needs, how to support vulnerabilities, and how to prevent and manage meltdowns while protecting the identify and self-esteem of the individual with autism.


Bill Nason's newest addition to the Autism Discussion Page series once again provides parents, educators and health professionals working with Autistic individuals with invaluable insights and practical advice. This comprehensive book skilfully explains the impact of stress and anxiety on Autistic children and adults, and provides many effective strategies that can be applied at home and at school. A wonderful resource.
Raelene Dundon, psychologist and author of The Parents’ Guide to Managing Anxiety in Children with Autism and Talking with Your Child about Their Autism Diagnosis