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Diary of a Chav: Slinging the Bling

ebook / ISBN-13: 9781444908589

Price: £5.99

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The divine Shiraz Bailey Wood is back to enlighten us on the multi-layered, rich tapestry that is her life in Goodmayes Essex. Shiraz is astonished to discover that she has passed eight GCSE’s and is actually clever! Emboldened, she decides she can’t waste her brain power on a job at ‘Mr Yolk’, the local greasy spoon. No, she’ll stay on at the Mayflower Sixth Form ‘Centre of Excellence’ and get even brainier. Best friend Carrie is of a like-mind and so, armed with text books and pencil cases, the intrepid pair set forth into the heady world of academia. Soon Shiraz is hanging out with other boffin types, amongst them the gorgeous Joshua, with the sharp cheekbones and the whopping allowance. But will Shiraz really dump the devoted Wesley Barrington Bains II for a smooth-talking lad with an Oxbridge future? Read SBW’s hilarious, heart-rending, irresistible diary to find out…


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