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Baby's First Year

ebook / ISBN-13: 9780755363292

Price: £12.99

ON SALE: 26th April 2012

Genre: Health & Personal Development

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So you’ve made it through nine months of pregnancy and the birth itself. You’re mum to a new baby. Congratulations! But while the first year of your baby’s life brings much joy, it can also be a testing time. Chances are you’ll have lots of questions about your new baby. With peer-to-peer guidance and tips from the members of Netmums plus key medical and developmental information from the experts, BABY’S FIRST YEAR has all the answers. Structured as a month-by-month guide, BABY’S FIRST YEAR offers advice on subjects from breastfeeding to sleep routines, from teething to baby-proofing your home. It tells you what you can expect at each stage of your child’s development and how best to deal with any concerns you might have along the way. Helping you to make the most of what is both a challenging and wonderful time, BABY’S FIRST YEAR is an indispensable bible for the first crucial months of your baby’s life.