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The Ultimate Baby & Toddler Q&A

ebook / ISBN-13: 9780755361144

Price: £14.99

ON SALE: 26th April 2012

Genre: Health & Personal Development

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How do I pick him up? Is it OK to bring her into bed with me? Is it OK to give him a dummy? When will she sleep through? When should I start weaning? When will she start crawling? How do I make a start on solids? When will he start talking? When should I start potty training? So many questions for mothers of babies and toddlers – but all the answers are in THE ULTIMATE BABY & TODDLER Q&A, a comprehensive and accessible handbook from Netmums, the fastest-growing online parents’ organisation in the UK. This indispensable guide includes hundreds of top tips and suggestions from other mums – it’s real advice that really works from real mums who have experienced what you’re going through.


'Netmums has grown into a national institution'
<i>Daily Telegraph
'Netmums is the new Mothers' Union'
<i>The Sunday Times