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Onwards and Upwards

Paperback / ISBN-13: 9780755328314

Price: £8.99

ON SALE: 8th February 2007

Genre: Fiction & Related Items / Sagas

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Danny and Maxie Maws think the world of each other. As a milkman and a nanny, making ends meet is a constant juggling act – not helped by their mothers who are sworn enemies – but they are happy together and that’s all that matters. But when their flashy new neighbours convince Danny he is not giving Maxie the sort of life she deserves, he fears he’ll lose her if he doesn’t do something about it. Embarking on a series of disastrous money-making schemes, Danny finds himself getting into deeper and deeper trouble. But then Maxie begins to face a few troubles of her own…


Praise for Lynda Page: 'You'll be hooked from page one
Woman's Realm
Cookson/Cox aficionados who've missed her should grab this. Romantic and gripping
Peterborough Evening Telegraph
Ms Page creates strong characters and is a clever and careful storyteller... A great writer who gives an authentic voice to Leicester... A formidable talent
In Lynda Page, we have an author who writes with skill and style... Leicester's Lynda Page is destined to share the limelight - and bestseller lists - with the likes of Catherine Cookson
Hull Daily Mail
If you want an enthralling saga read Lynda Page
Martina Cole
Lynda Page is a leading purveyor of the saga, enlivening her plots with all manner of page-turning twists and turns. Expect the unexpected
Choice magazine
Inspirational and heart-warming